Some cool Social Networking events are coming up.. Join!

Some cool Social Networking events are coming up.. Join!

BeantownSocial is all about being social in Boston.  We host events that bring together people interested in semi-professional and fun networking.  We offer nametags so you don’t have to worry about remembering everybody’s name the first night.  We just hope you create relationships that last until the next Meetup! You can also find us on Facebook, A Small World, Meetup, Plancast,, Twitter and more!  Please contact if you’d like to help publicize this event! (more…)

Free Wi-Fi in the City

Free Wi-Fi in the City

So I’m starting to hear of all of these restaurants, cafe’s, bars and even YOGA STUDIOS offering free Wi-Fi around Boston, Cambridge, Quincy.. etc.

Here’s a running list that I’m starting NOW 🙂  Add a comment to your fave w/ a link to their site. (more…)

My 7 favorite WordPress Plugins 2010 :)

My 7 favorite WordPress Plugins 2010 :)

I’ve been using WP for a while now and I figured I’d share some of my secrets.  I understand how hard it can be to teach yourself WordPress blogging but I’ve been consulting my expert, Ms. Google, and she helps me attain everything I’d ever need to (ask for) online.

Akismet:  Your WordPress blog comes naturally with this amazing spam filter, but you do need to sign up to get an API on their website.  To sign up for an API key, click here. Star that email that you get because you’ll probably need that key later on in your blogging career.  You can use it with multiple blogs.

Goto Plugins>Activate Akismet>Settings>Paste your API Key & update. (more…)

How To Change Your Blog Avatar Using Gravatar

How To Change Your Blog Avatar Using Gravatar

Gravatars are the universal avatar syndicated over the web.

Super easy.  From  “Your Gravatar is an image that follows you from site to site appearing beside your name when you do things like comment or post on a blog.  Avatars help identify your posts on blogs and web forums, so why not on any site?”

There’s even a video on how to set it up and how and when they’re used: (more…)